Point Lonsdale Primary School's curriculum is comprehensive, based on the Victorian Curriculum F - 10. Our timetable is structured with daily 2 hour english and 1 hour mathematics. Teachers plan at the point of student need and deliver lessons consistent with PLPS instructional model. The curriculum is enhanced through the planned inclusion of camps, excursions, arts and sporting activities. Specialist Teaching areas are Spanish, Visual Arts and Physical Education. Students are encouraged to participate in activities designed to develop their potential as global citizens and future leaders. At all times the achievement of personal best is the goal. Focussed teaching at the individual point of need and emphasis on the use of authentic assessment methods and reflective practices are critical elements of our approach to learning and teaching.
Aim for continuous improvement in English and Mathematics for all students whilst at the same time exciting students about learning.
To Develop processes and opportunities to support and encourage students to become active learners who love learning, who know how to learn and adapt rapidly, and who can build their own knowledge from information they discover.
Embed transition processes at Years Prep and 2, and Year 6 that effectively support the academic, social and emotional growth of students as they move between these key developmental stages.
At Point Lonsdale Primary School we match all Early Years students with a senior student who becomes their support person at school, being a friend and helping them in the play ground. Newly enrolled students are also supported by a classroom buddy.
The swimming program is designed to assist students to develop water safety practices. Cost is dependent on transport and pool entrance expenses. All students are expected to participate.
A 1:1 BYOD laptop program operates in Years 3-6. Each student is expected to bring in their own laptop. The requirements for these can be found on this website under Forms & Policies.
Parents are requested to discourage students younger than 9 years from riding their bikes to school unaccompanied. Studies show that lone riding is unsafe for students below this age. All students must wear a helmet and have a good knowledge of road rules. Our Bike Education program caters for students in grades 3-6, and includes a bike safety check. Bikes are not to be ridden within the school grounds.