
All new children are welcome to visit the school prior to the first day of school.


Foundation enrolments 2025 are open and close on Friday 26th July for all government schools.


At Point Lonsdale P.S we have decided not to hold dedicated open days but instead encourage prospective families to contact us on 52581501 or email point.lonsdale.ps@education.vic.gov.au to book a personalised tour where you will get to see a normal school session and have questions answered. Our formal transition program of 6 sessions will begin in May.


2025 Foundation (prep) enrolment information & timeline


Application to enrol 


Enrolment Form


Privacy Collection Statement


Starting school - information for parents 


Find my school


Mandatory Requirements - all students enrolling need to present an Immunisation Certificate.

Foundation students also require a Birth Certificate.


To save you time here is the direct link to the Foundation Enrolment Information pack for all government schools.